Short:        STory CReator for DayDream BBS
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

               STory CReator for DayDream BBS v1.26 & Above
                                                By : Xpose


 A great fun door for Daydream BBS.

 Every user of the BBS adds a line to make a story, then the story can be
downloaded or read online .... Extremely Cool ! Nice ANSIs, and more updates
coming soon  ... 

 Other Daydream Doors to check out :

 VOTEX  -- A Voting door with a difference !! 

 PS98 -- Choose your opponent keeper, and blast away in a penalty shootOut !!

 LameC - A Fake-chat clone, includes personalities you makeup, and logfiles !

 Contact me for any request, or just to make friends :



                 Ahmad Hameed
                 P.O.Box : 3174