Short:        Ansiart Pack II
Type:         comm/bbs
Version:      2.00
Requires:     any amiga
Architecture: generic

well here it is the long awaited ansi art collection that i have put together over the
last year... I know its been along time since the first ansi art pack and I promised I
would do another so I did. I will have to say that this will be my last ansi art pack
since I'm not in the BBS thing anymore :-(  not my fault.... but you can contact me via
email anytime for those of you who might have tried to get ahold
of me via the old address in the first pack of ansi art well I moved....:-)

so I hope you enjoy all of the fine ansi art that I have collected I know I did

all ansi art is in 8-16color ansi. the best veiwer for ansi is a progg called hyperansi its here in aminet somewere


ansi rulz
