Short:        Nice graphical dialer for use with AmiTCP
Uploader:     markie dds nl
Type:         comm/tcp
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This arexx script is used to dial a provider for connecting
to the internet. It has a nice graphics interface and uses
simple configuration files. Can be used for slip (dynamic ip)
and ppp connections.

This program is giftware; if you like it and use it you should
send the author a gift. ( ZIP drive / JAZZ drive / 060 / etc. ;-)

For a multi provider solution for amitcp see 'AbStartTCP' in


Example configuration file, the resulting ip-address of your
amiga will be in $AbcsIp afwards. Use 'startnet $AbcsIp' !

// serbaud <baudrate>    : Set serial baudrate (default 57600)
// serdevice <device>    : Set serial device (default serial.device)
// setopt <options>      : Set serial options (default 8N1)
// init <str>            : Send modem init string
// flush                 : Flush internal serial buffer
// dial <name> <number>  : Dial
// delay <secs>          : Wait <secs> seconds
// wait <secs> <data>    : Wait <secs> seconds for <data> to be received
// getip <envvar> <data> : Get IP-num after <data> from receive buffer to <envvar>
// send <data>           : Send <data> to port with <cr><lf> appended.
// send2 <data>          : Send <data> to port.
// hangup                : Hangup line

init atz
init atl0&d0
dial vpro 960-256096
wait 10 login:
send gast
wait 10 Password:
send gast
wait 10 (S)lip
send s
wait 10 Your IP address
getip AbcsIP
