Short:        TermiteTCP 1.10 to 1.20 patch
Author:       Oregon Research
Uploader:     mark_k iname com
Type:         comm/tcp
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Sadly Oregon Research went out of business a couple of years ago. This 1.10
to 1.20 upgrade archive used to be available from their web site.

NOTE FROM UPLOADER: The final version of TermiteTCP was 1.60. If you have
this or any version later than 1.20, *PLEASE* contact me! I would also like
to find out who currently owns the rights to TermiteTCP.

This program patches Oregon Research's TermiteTCP Version 1.10 to Version
1.20.  Read the Patch.Readme file for patch instructions and ReadMeNow120
for version 1.20 new features.

The patch program will also patch TermiteFTP to V1.20 as well as create
TermiteMail V1.00.