Short: Search for text in a single msg in Thor Author: (Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen) Uploader: kenny bgnett no (Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen) Type: comm/thor Version: 0.1 (binary), 1.0 (arexx script) Requires: kickstart 2.0+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos $VER: SearchTHOR 0.1 (10.6.97) $VER: SearchMessage.thor 1.0 (10.6.97) Copyright (C) 1997 by Digital Surface/Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen. All rights reserved. This package contain two files (excluding this readme file). For easy usage from within Thor install the arexx script - read on.. SearchTHOR ------------------ Binary file that can be used on its own, but doesn't buffer the search since it's made specially for Thor usage (messages doesn't tend to grow larger than available memory). The search is NOT case sensitive so you don't have to care about case on letters. USAGE: SearchTHOR <file> "sentence with several words" Program is written in assembler for speed and size. SearchMessage.thor ------------------ Invokes the above program for you (SearchTHOR must be placed in C: or else this arexx script won't work!). It prompts you for a search string in Thor and gives you the result in a requester also from inside of Thor. You should install the SearchMessage.thor script in Thor:rexx/ and assign it to a function button. Hit the button, type text to search and you get the result before you can blink ;) Program must be considered beta since I haven't tested it under every condition, but it should prompt error if functions fails (file not found, empty file, search text > file, out of memory and so on). If you would like to search the headers as well you must modify the arexx script. Go to the line which starts with SAVEMESSAGE and remove the NOHEADER option at the ~end of line. Please report bizarre conditions, errors or suggestions to the email address above. TODO: - Mark word/sentence in text with hilightning (eg. #...# combo) - More options such as case-sensitive search - Ask user if (s)he want to search header or not Regards, --- Kenny ''"\./"`` - Developer/Digital Surface | (opinions by me are my own!) ---