Short:        HaleBopp By Massive
Author:       Thrym
Uploader:     toaks push-entertainment com
Type:         demo/aga
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


     ___  ____:_       _______    _______  . __ .  |      /_________
    /   /    | ____ ._  ___/__._  ___/__|_/_|__|     /____    /__.
   /____/    |/    |  ____   |  ____   ://|  |    /   _/____/   |
     cDr/_____:      __________|__________|    |  !   /______________|
          e^d/________                    |____|     /
                          P R E S E N T S

                    --+- H A L E - B O P P -+--

A wild demo made for The Gathering 1997 in the Vikingship, Hamar.

This is the one and only publical release, originally the demo was a bit
smaller and with fewer anims, becos of time pressure we didn't have time
too at this things too the first released. But as the it was only
transferred to a S-VHS cassette and never spread we thought that a fixed
version for the public would be best. So this is really Hale-Bopp v 1.1
In addition to the modules by Rolex/Msv and Nork/Msv, this demo included
the module Love-is-cola by Caramel/Fsn. This module was unfortunately
removed in this release since there is no support for XM-modules in the
current version of Scala Infochannel. We replaced it with another mod by
Rolex/Msv, called Spoiiing.

Note that if you have less than 32 megs of ram you have to run all the
anims from harddrive, either using the diskanim icon or executing the
HaleBopp-Diskanim script, it's your choice. Also if you have 32 megs of
ram you need to startup without the workbench, because the demo needs
lots of ram. If all else fails dial 911 and pray. (If you ever used
windows 95, you will already be familiar with this procedure).

     C R E D I T S :

Rendering Masters:				Thrym / Massive
						Kerfue / Future Void

Models:						Thrym / Massive
                                                Kerfue / Future Void

Music:						Caramel / Fascination
						Nork / Massive&Network
						Rolex / Massive

Text, Idea and Quality Assurance:		Mosher / Massive

We also wish to thank: 				J. I. Fossbakk (Kjaldar)