Short:        All Square demo by Digital Dalmatian
Author:       Lonewolf10/Digital Dalmatian
Uploader:     Lonewolf10 (aliensrcooluk yahoo co uk)
Type:         demo/ecs
Version:      0.68 (Final)
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Freeware

   Digital Dalmatian presents All Square

   This is my first all assembler amiga demo, and after one year and
   five months (which included a 3 month break from programming) it is
   finally finished! :)

   As my first Amiga was an Amiga 600, I have designed it so that it
   will work (fingers crossed!) on any Amiga 600.

   Minimum specs:  68000 CPU
                   2MB RAM
                   ECS Chipset

   If you have any comments (good or bad) send them to me at my email
   address (below). Please put the subject as "Amiga Demo: ALL SQUARE",
   so that I can easily find it if it accidentally ends up in my spam

   If you run it on an Amiga with a faster CPU and get screen corruption,
   try putting it on enhanced chipset mode and disable CPU caches and it
   should work.

                             - Lonewolf10/Digital Dalmatian, February 2012