Short: ASM sources for intros from scene groups Author: Gemanix <> Uploader: Aminet team <aminet aminet net> Type: demo/intro Architecture: generic Hello. When I was 15, I wrote intros for New Zealand groups. I was Robster for a long time, then changed to Frantic, then Gemanix (after the group that folded, following Shark Island's collapse) I used AsmOne. All are written by me from scratch. Lots of demo effects. Shaded Bobs, Glenz Vectors, Checker fields, Dragon Ball, Trace Vectors, Sine Scrollers Some GUI apps, like for ripping pictures from memory. One I spent a long time on was IntroIns, a tool for allowing my fellow group members to install my intros on Non-Dos disks. It did so by finding blank space on disk, then inserting a bit of code into the boot block. I reverse engineered other people's intros too. Mainly the Crystal and Melon intros, but also those by Shayde/Reality. Here is the source code to all of the intros I wrote. I'm glad I kept them. Hopefully someone else will find them useful. Regards - Gemanix (