Short: Large paint program (bb2 source/executable) Author: Christian Rosentreter <> Uploader: Christian Rosentreter <karibu gmx de> Type: dev/basic Architecture: m68k-amigaos Kurz: Umfangreiches Malprogramm (bb2-Source/Exe) This is a very large and unfortunately unfinished paint program done in BlitzBasic2. The source is included and for educational purposes only. You may study it. It is not allowed to use the source codes (in full or in parts) in other programs without my permisson. But you can ask me :) And if you want to continue the development of this project then mail me. None of the files of this package may be modified or left without permission from me. Crunching or archiving is allowed only if none of the files get modified by it. DeltaPaint is not a finished product. It has some bugs etc. Because that I'm not responsible for any loss of data, damages to software or hardware that may result directly or indirectly from the use of this program. I'm reserves the right to make changes to the software or documentation (hehe! :) without notice.