Short:        Blitz source for Crazy 8's card game
Author:       Curt Esser
Uploader:     camge ix netcom com
Type:         dev/blitz
Requires:     Blitz Basic
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

              games/misc/Crazy8.lha (if you want to compile and run it)
Distribution: Freely distributable

This is the Blitz source code for my Crazy 8's card game.  This is a simple multi-tasking
card game with animation, sound, and music.  You may find something in here you
can use.  If you wish to compile the game, you will also need the data files for
the graphics, sounds, and music which are not included here.  You will need to
download the game itself from games/misc to get these.  You may use and distribute
this source as you wish, however DO NOT distribute re-compiled versions of the
whole game without my permission!

