Short:        NCS V1.90 - 24 new Blitz Basic II libs to give it a second life...
Author: (Laboureur Frederic)
Uploader:     alphasnd sdv fr (Laboureur Frederic)
Type:         dev/blitz
Version:      1.90
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Replace:      NewCommandSet.lha

  Imagine... Use your Blitz 2 compiler to produce very small and very
  fast executables, without lot of changes... This dream is reality.

  This new set includes 24 libraries:

    Window    (Window replacement library)
    Screen    (Screen replacament library)
    Chunky    (New library, for chunky manipulation)
    Misc      (Some commands replacement)
    Memory    (Memory based commands replacement)
    String    (String based commands replacement)
    ASL       (ASL Library management)
    Font      (Font library replacement)
    GadTools  (For creating good looking interfaces)
    Locale    (Catalog support for localized programs)
    Picture   (IFF/ILBM library replacement, very fast)
    Drawing   (2D Drawing stuffs, system friendly)
    BitMap    (BitMap routine replacement)
    Palette   (Palette functions with FadeIn/FadeOut routines)
    XPK       (Easy XPK V4.00+ support)
    WBStartup (New WbStartup library for even small exe)
    Clipboard (Easy Amiga clipboard support for text)
    App       (For supporting AppWindows and AppMenu)
    OS        (OS functions)
    TagList   (TagList easy handling)
    Commodity (Commodity handling)
    ToolTypes (Easy icons tooltypes handling)
    Sort      (Extremely fast array sorting library)

  With this set, you will able to produce under 3 kb executables which open
  a screen, some windows and more :). Normal executables would have take
  more than 30 kb to do the same.

  And better, you can now check every importants commmands result, so you will
  be able to check if the window or the screen is really opened.

  All the commands are now FULLY system friendly, not like old Acid ones :(.

  It has a very easy installer script which can do all the installation alone.

  *              *
  * NEW in V1.90  **************************************************************

* NToolType Library modified and updated. More functions, easier to handle.

* NCommodity Library updated.

* NSort Library added:
    * NSortUp()
    * NSortDown()

* Misc:
  All the guides have been grammar corrected by Victor Bell !
  No bug fixes this time ? Are the libraries bug free ? :-)
  Whole package refined (Added NewIcons support..)

      Enjoy the Amiga POWER !

            Fred - 'AlphaSOUND' -