Short:        MegaLZ Speccy packer/depacker
Author:       mayHem, Fabrizio Bartoloni (Morphos port)
Uploader:     lanch tiscali it (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Type:         dev/cross
Version:      4.89
Architecture: ppc-morphos

Note from porting author: There is an Amiga executable but its link was broken
(at least when i tried) so i've build this.

This is the new reincarnation of the very best MegaLZ Speccy packer, now with
packing ratio improved (pc packer only) and also C depacker!   

MegaLZ packer is:   
- totally free (all source files included)!   
- best overall packing ratio on Speccy (except for huffman-based SLOOOW
- Z80 depacker is FULLY relocatable (can be LDIR'ed many times) and JUST 110
  BYTES long!   
- With the addition of depacker, beats bitbuster extreme v0.1 with his
  depacker added!   
- also has separate C depacker   
- just nice =)) 

MegaLZ C packer/depacker v4.89

 megalz -h - this help
 megalz [-g] <input filename> [<output filename>] - packing
         -g - greedy coding, default - optimal coding
Greedy coding is significantly faster but yields worse packing
 megalz -d <input filename> [<output filename>] - depacking
Default extension for packed file - '.mlz', for depacked - '.dpk'

 (c) 2005 MAYhEM
 Z80 depacker code, packed file format (c) fyrex^mhm
 This C packer/depacker (c) lvd^mhm
(c) 2006 mayHem, lvd#dgap,mipt,ru (antispam)