Short:        Wavetools developper info (UNOFFICIAL) BETA
Author: (Johan Nyblom)
Uploader:     nyblom mother ludd luth se (Johan Nyblom)
Type:         dev/src
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

!!                                                                      !!
!! This is NOT official and has NOTHING to do with Digital Audio Design,!!
!! the makers of Wavetools, hardware and software.                      !!
!!                                                                      !!
!!It may also contain bugs and other faults, be cautious and intelligent!!
!!                                                                      !!

Some time ago I bought the wavetools soundcard, it was on sale here in sweden
and was fairly cheap (by amiga standards). The software was ok, I could sample
and then I could play the sample, mixing and such. But there was no developper
support. I tried calling D.A.D (got a fresh phone number off the net) and they
were very nice, sent me latest software and all but no
Well I thought it couldnt be too hard to figure out how to program the device :)
A little work and a lot of time later these are the fruits of my labour.
(Too bad D.A.D seems to have vanished from the face of the earth :P)

Enjoy, and feel free to use and modify these files as you like, but if
you improve them please upload to aminet.

This archive contains:

dad_audio.h   -A subset of the device commands for dad_audio.device (wavetools)
                - set replay sample frequency
                - set sample frequency
                - set output damping
                - set input gain
                - buffer handling....etc
               Also a little logic thought model I have made up :)
               Enough to be able to play a sample, and for sampling.

1.	dadplay/dadplay.c
		-A short (ugly) program using dad_audio.device to play a raw 16 bit
        	stereosample from chipmem.

2.	dadmon/	dadmon.c
		-A short program using dad_audio.device to sample to chipmem
		and then either write sample to file (raw stereo 16 bit)
		or show some form of uv meters (crappy).

This not intended as sample player software but merely as an example,
maybe someone else can contribute with more information !!!

To gain this information I have used:
ninfo    - dissassembler (aminet)
devmon   - Commodore (?) official developper package (great tool)
gcc2.7.0 - C compiler
snma     - assembler.
Also the window code is leeched from CPUload (C) Thomas Radtke 1994

Wavetools, hardware and software, is the copyright of Digital Audio Design.
(Are they still around somewhere?)