Short:        WinUAE version of Encoder.
Author: (Anthony Hoffman).
Uploader:     wisecracker tesco net (Barry Walker)
Type:         docs/hard
Architecture: generic

Requires: A VERY high quality RF signal source.
          A PC running Windows 98 (TM) or greater.
          A sound card fitted.
          DirectX 8.xx or greater.
          WinUAE version 0.8.22R9 or greater.
          AMIGA Kickstart 2.0x to 3.1x and Workbench 2.0x to 3.9x.
          TestGear6A.lha and TestGear6A.readme.
          ~More~, ~Display~ and ~LHA~ are required.
          ~translator.library~, ~speak-handler~ and ~narrator.device~
          (Or ~translator42.lha~ from AMINET, (C)1995 Francesco Devitt.)

Version:  1.00.01.

Distribution: Emailware, (Freeware).


     WinUAE) The WinUAE version running on Windows 98 (TM) or greater
             using DirectX 8.xx (TM) or greater. This has had VERY
             serious, rigorous testing using industrial specification
             professional test gear.

             A Single Tone, CTCSS, DCS, SELCALL, DTMF, 2 TONE and VOICE
             Encoder for RF engineers. This is a joint copyright,
             (C)2003 B.Walker and A.Hoffman.

             This is just as good for the professional RF engineer and
             the amateur alike.


  This is Emailware:-

  If you like these projects or have any comments to make then Email me
  (Anthony Hoffman) on:-


  This will give me the incentive to carry on.



    The Legal Stuff:-

    These programs are the copyright of (C)2003 Anthony Hoffman with all
    rights reserved.
    They are freeware and no profit will be made from them, also all of
    the files must remain unaltered and intact including this one.
    The author is not responsible for any damage to, or loss of, or
    failure of equipment or data caused in any way by the use of these

    Any other software is the Copyright (C) of the respective authors and
    is subject to their ~Terms and Conditions~.


  F1) TestGear6A.lha & TestGear6A.readme:-
  F2) TestGear6B.lha & TestGear6B.readme:-

  16) A Single Tone, CTCSS, DCS, SELCALL, DTMF, 2 TONE and VOICE Encoder.
  WinUAE) WinUAE version of the above.
