Short:        Vangelis disco/pics/interviews ++
Author:       Misc, edited by Kenneth C. Nilsen
Uploader:     Kenneth C  Nilsen (dj doom) (kenneth norconnect no)
Architecture: generic


                             For VANGELIS fans!


This is an comprehensive archive containing materials on his discography,
albums and concert lists, pictures and interviews.

This information was downloaded from the Vangelis page:

and edited, structured and compiled to this archive by me. You can find lots
of good soundtracks on the web page as well.


- dj doom -

Listing of archive 'ULoad:Vangelis.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
     597     389 34.8% 16-Feb-96 20:10:22 +Dragon.txt
    1416     534 62.2% 16-Feb-96 20:16:28 +Solo_70-79.txt
     718     456 36.4% 16-Feb-96 20:18:46 +Voices.txt
    1769    1769  0.0% 16-Feb-96 18:03:26 +Signatur.gif
    9171    9171  0.0% 16-Feb-96 18:03:28 +Vangelis1.jpg
   33344   33344  0.0% 16-Feb-96 18:05:32 +Vangelis2.gif
     815     462 43.3% 16-Feb-96 20:05:16 +Albedo.txt
    1127     559 50.3% 16-Feb-96 20:06:12 +Beaubourg.txt
    1218     544 55.3% 16-Feb-96 20:07:30 +China.txt
    1077     353 67.2% 16-Feb-96 20:10:12 +HeavenAndHell.txt
     536     361 32.6% 16-Feb-96 20:10:02 +Hypothesis.txt
     944     473 49.8% 16-Feb-96 20:19:36 +Spiral.txt
     178     143 19.6% 16-Feb-96 17:34:52 +4tracks.txt
    1185     573 51.6% 16-Feb-96 20:06:18 +Apocalypse.txt
     883     461 47.7% 16-Feb-96 20:15:06 +Ignacio.txt
    1746     630 63.9% 16-Feb-96 20:14:54 +LaFete.txt
    1159     560 51.6% 16-Feb-96 20:13:14 +Opera.txt
    1951     652 66.5% 16-Feb-96 20:17:34 +SeeYouLater.txt
    1021     480 52.9% 16-Feb-96 17:40:34 +Antarctia.txt
    1337     636 52.4% 16-Feb-96 20:10:34 +Direct.txt
     380     215 43.4% 16-Feb-96 20:15:00 +InvisConnect.txt
     634     305 51.8% 16-Feb-96 20:14:06 +Mask.txt
     885     382 56.8% 16-Feb-96 20:16:48 +SoliFestivies.txt
    1837     643 64.9% 16-Feb-96 20:16:10 +Solo_80-89.txt
    1502     617 58.9% 16-Feb-96 17:42:36 +1492.txt
     868     551 36.5% 16-Feb-96 20:07:58 +BladeRunner1.txt
    2293    1013 55.8% 16-Feb-96 20:07:50 +BladeRunner2.txt
     587     389 33.7% 16-Feb-96 20:11:08 +ConquestOfParadise.txt
    1899     744 60.8% 16-Feb-96 20:19:18 +TheCity.txt
    1209     585 51.6% 16-Feb-96 20:19:02 +Themes.txt
     671     433 35.4% 16-Feb-96 20:06:44 +Aphrodite1.txt
     250     151 39.6% 16-Feb-96 20:09:26 +Collab_60.txt
     514     301 41.4% 16-Feb-96 20:09:16 +Collab_70.txt
     346     216 37.5% 16-Feb-96 20:07:18 +Collaboartive.txt
     806     401 50.2% 16-Feb-96 20:15:34 +Solo_90-95.txt
     474     320 32.4% 16-Feb-96 20:18:32 +VoicesSng.txt
    1396     769 44.9% 16-Feb-96 20:06:28 +Aphrodite2.txt
     643     388 39.6% 16-Feb-96 20:08:12 +BestOfJonAndVang.txt
     941     434 53.8% 16-Feb-96 20:09:04 +Collab_80.txt
     668     359 46.2% 16-Feb-96 20:08:52 +Collab_90.txt
    1883     777 58.7% 16-Feb-96 20:13:04 +PageOfLife.txt
   73154   22612 69.0% 13-Feb-96 18:13:42 +.Vangelis.discog
     336     224 33.3% 16-Feb-96 20:14:24 +LiveConcerts.txt
     789     418 47.0% 16-Feb-96 20:17:56 +RotterdamConcert.txt
    3073    1554 49.4% 16-Feb-96 19:41:02 +TheArtist.txt
     600     326 45.6% 16-Feb-96 20:03:34 +TheMan.txt
    2125     993 53.2% 16-Feb-96 19:58:34 +TributeGreco.txt
    8253    4111 50.1% 16-Feb-96 19:30:00 +Keyboard1.txt
   10303    4946 51.9% 16-Feb-96 19:30:44 +Keyboard2.txt
   21519    9183 57.3% 16-Feb-96 19:56:32 +SoilFest.txt
    2359    1247 47.1% 16-Feb-96 19:31:38 +SoundOnSound.txt
    1755     701 60.0% 16-Feb-96 20:01:10 +.SilverScreen.txt
    1254     511 59.2% 16-Feb-96 20:21:22 +Chariots.txt
    3200    1092 65.8% 16-Feb-96 20:22:48 +1492Conquest.txt
    3703    1396 62.3% 16-Feb-96 20:22:24 +BladeRunner.txt
    1123     486 56.7% 16-Feb-96 20:21:46 +Bounty.txt
    1179     480 59.2% 16-Feb-96 20:20:58 +Missing.txt
    1126     470 58.2% 16-Feb-96 20:20:50 +YearOfLiveDangerous.txt
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  218729  113293 48.2% 16-Feb-96 20:24:56   58 files

CREATIVE LINKS                      __    Kenneth C. Nilsen  /_/\   e-mail:
"Everything you want"              \_\/   Software & MultiMedia developer