Short:        Multiplayer Tetris clone
Author:       Blobtrox (windows) , ToAks (OS4)
Uploader:     tony aksnes broadpark no (Tony Aksnes)
Type:         game/2play
Version:      1.3.1
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.3

BlobTrix , What is it?

Blobtrix is a Tetris-like two player INTERNET/LAN *ONLY* "action" game with some
differences - one player plays upper side, the other lower side.

The blocks won't drop alone by themselves - you can select the block you want,
rotate it and move it to the correct location and then finally launch it, after
which you cannot control it anymore.

When blocks collide they "fossilize". If you put the last block on a line you'll
"get" it. In normal mode the line will just disappear but in lightning mode all
the blocks will move towards the enemy - in addition.

It needs time to get into but as soon as youre into it you will love it (i

Controls are defined in the options menu ingame, remeber to do this before you
start ;-)

The Server menu is straight forward .. press Refresh to see active servers
select one that has players (sadly they are dry so u need to get a friend to
play at the same time.) and press join.

Notes about the OS4 port itself:

This was a though nut to crack for me, it was my first introduction to clib2 and
SDL_net (thanks to edgar Schwan for sending me his SDL_net) and it didnt go
entirely good at first but i am prepared for the future now ;-)

As this is a hard game to test 100% there may be bugs and if any email me

Enjoy this highly orginal MULTIPLAYER only game.