Short:        Nemeses shoot'em up *update* F1Software
Author:       james austin
Uploader:     phil ware5d demon co uk
Type:         game/demo
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Action:       AGA Only

This is a demo of Nemeses Inevitable Retribution, a great new strategy and
shoot'em up game released by F1 Software. The games author as tried to
create an whole new game type which includes some addictive gameplay.

Please Note
This is an update, due to a corrupt archive the earlier version failed to
load. F1 Software would like to apologise for an trouble which this may
have caused to anyone who downloaded the game...Sorry :(

** Disk must be called NEMESES-I-R-DEMO
** Requires the MATHTRANS.LIBRARY to load this demo.

To  play  the  game  simply try and destroy the computers castle. You will
need to collect stones controlling the craft, the stones are then exchanged
for  power. Select attack or defence via the "Z" and "X" keys on your
keyboard  and when you have enough force you can start blasting away at the
other castle, but remember that the computer is also looking to win, so
defence is vital.

The full version is only available from:

F1 Software
1 Lower Mill Close
South Yorkshire
S63 9BY

It's very reasonably priced at just £9.99 plus postage of 75p on all U.K.
orders or £1.50 for any other country. Please make cheques payable to

F1 Software (sterling only).

Credit card orders orders taken on (UK) 01709-888127.
