Short:        a ncurses based vertical shoot em up
Author:       Radoslaw Gniazdowski
Uploader:     amitrans narod ru (aGGreSSor/CPU)
Type:         game/shoot
Version:      0.1
Requires:     cursor keys
Architecture: i386-aros



*H*     -       health
*A*     -       armour
*S*     -       new ship
*W*     -       new weapon ( color means type )

There are two levels.  You must destroy boss ship twice to  win  the  game.
Boss ship shows him  self  when  a  certain  number  of  hits  is  reached.

Game is playable on big terminals: min is 80 width and 30 height.   On KDE
Konsole and GNOME Terminal game slows  down.   I  recommend  to  use  linux
framebuffer console and xterm.

Game was made for fun and to learn ncurses stuff  (i`m 13  years  old ;).

/Radoslaw Gniazdowski