Short: A great Japanese abstract shoot 'em up Author: Kenta Cho, AmigaOS 4.x compile by Varthall and Spot / PFP Uploader: "Varthall / Up Rough" <varti02 hotpop com> Type: game/shoot Version: 0.23-2 Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.5 O O O O o o o o o . . o . .____. _______ . ._______________________.___________ | |__ .____. ____.___________. | __ / ___ | __ /__|___ __/___|__ _ | | | __ | | |_/ / _| | |/ / ___/ | __// |___ | |_/ | | ______/|___________|____|_______|__________|_____| _____|_____ | |____| /_________| F O R .____. .________________________ _____________._____________| |__ | __ / __ /_ __ | ____/____) __/______ | |_/ / |/ / _| | __/ | | |_/ / . | ______/_____|___________________| | |____|___________/ . |____| |____| o . . o o o P R E S E N T S o o O O RROOTAGE [AOS4] O O PORTED BY ....... VARTHALL AND SPOT SUPPLIED BY .............. VARTHALL TYPE ......................... GAME REQUIRES ...................... SDL ................... MINIGL 2.0 BETA UPDATE1: Fixed protection bit on the exe. UPDATE2: It seemed to start in window mode on some machines. SDL/GL doesn't work in window mode on OS4, so i removed it completely. No more crashes hopefully. Joysticks are supported. / Spot rRootage readme_e.txt for AmigaOS 4.x ver. 0.23-2 (C) Kenta Cho Defeat autocreated huge battleships. Shootem up game, 'rRootage'. - How to install. Unpack, and execute 'rr.exe'. (If the game is too heavy for your PC, please try 'rr_lowres.bat'. This batch file launches the rRootage in the low resolution mode.) - How to play. - Movement Arrow key / Joystick - Laser [Z] / Trigger 1, Trigger 4 - Special [X] / Trigger 2, Trigger 3 - Pause [P] Select the stage by a keyboard or a joystick. Press a laser key to start the game. You can also select the game mode from 4 types. Press a special key to change the game mode. . Normal mode This is the standard game mode. Your ship becomes slow while holding the laser key. - Special -> Bomb The bomb wipes enemyies bullets. The number of bombs are displayed at the right-down corner. . PSY mode As your ship grazes a bullet, the graze meter(displayed at the right-down corner) increases. When the graze meter becomes full, the ship becomes invincible for a while. - Special -> Rolling This movement widen the range that the ship can graze. While holding this key, the ship becomes slow. If you want to move faster, tap this key. . IKA mode Your ship has two attributes, white and black. All bullets also have these attributes, and your ship can absorb bullets that has the same attribute. Absorbed bullets are changed into lasers automatically. - Special -> Attribution change Change your ships attribute. . GW mode Your ship can use the reflector. The reflector reflects bullets around your ship. - Special -> Reflector To use the reflector, you have to hold this key until the reflector meter(displayed at the right-down corner) becomes empty. You can use the reflector only if the reflector meter displays 'OK'. Control your ship and avoid the barrage. Use the laser to destroy the battleship of the enemy. You can cause more damage if you fire the laser close to the enemy. When all ships are destroyed, the game is over. The ship extends 200,000 and every 500,000 points. These options are available: -lowres Use the low resolution mode. -nosound Stop the sound. -window Launch the game in the window, not use the full-screen. -reverse Reverse the laser key and the bomb key. - Comments If you have any comments, please mail to cs8k-cyu() - Webpage rRootage webpage: - Acknowledgement libBulletML is used to parse BulletML files. libBulletML Simple DirectMedia Layer is used for the display handling. Simple DirectMedia Layer SDL_mixer and Ogg Vorbis CODEC to play BGM/SE. SDL_mixer 1.2 Mersenne Twister to create the random number. - History 2003 8/15 ver. 0.23 Adjust barrages. Update libBulletML. Fix memory handling bugs. 2003 4/26 ver. 0.22 Adjust barrages. 2003 4/ 4 ver. 0.21 Add new barrages. Adjust barrages. 2003 3/21 ver. 0.2 Add new game modes. Timer stops while the battleship changing the shape. Adjust bullets. 2003 3/16 ver. 0.1 -- License License ------- Copyright 2003 Kenta Cho. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.