Short:        Yet ANOTHER iff > ascii converter!
Author:       Olly Koenders
Uploader:     marty axs com au (Glen Martin)
Type:         gfx/conv
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


QASCii V1.5 04-08-97 by Olly koenders - Australia

Yeah, yeah.  I know.  "...not yet ANOTHER iff > ascii converter!".

Okay.  So practically everyone's had a go at this so I thought it's gotta be
my turn by now, going by some of the lamest examples I've seen around in
recent years (some useful, most not).  I needed one that was simple and
after about 10 mins of coding, voila!

QASCii is very compact (352 bytes!) and super-fast.  It doesn't seem to have
any bugs (or it's just too small to have any) and is completely written in