Short:        Fractal sets generator
Uploader:     domenico lattanzi gmail com (Domenico Lattanzi)
Type:         gfx/fract
Version:      1.1
Architecture: ppc-morphos
Distribution: Aminet

Fractal Voyager is a fractal generator for educational purposes. Using it, you can have fun
exploring the world of fractals. For each generated fractal it is possible to save its
parameters to be able to take it back later, and also to export the image of the fractal in
graphic format. Multibrot sets with exponent 2 and 3 are covered.

- Julia and Mandelbrot sets implemented
- Exporting of generated fractal in PNG format

- Improved efficiency in generation sets
- Multibrot set exponent 3 added
- Added more graphics resolutions
- Saving on file the mathematical parameters