Short:        Fractint - a fractal exploration tool. Support files.
Author:       Stone Soup Group/Terje Pedersen does the amiga port.
Uploader:     terjepe login eunet no
Type:         gfx/fract
Version:      3.2 (19.5)
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is a port of the msdos/X11 Fractint program (a fractal exploration
tool (the best..)). Ported from Fractint 19.5 by Terje Pedersen.

These files are just the support files to fractint so you'll also need an
executable found in:

fractint32_020.lha ( plain 020 version ).
fractint32_020fpu.lha ( 020 with fpu version ).
fractint32_030.lha ( plain 030 version ).
fractint32_040.lha ( 040 version ).

I guess I have to upload a 030fpu and 060 version soon, before I drown in
requests for them..

A huge collection of fractint data files can be found in fracdata2.lha.

Whats new?

From the documentation:

Version 19.5 is a bug-fix release for version 19.4 based on the developer's
  version 19.40 patch 11. As always, we added a few new features along 
  with the bug fixes.

The list is a mile long so you'll have to look in the documentation for a complete
list of changes.

I can be reached with email: or by mail:
Terje Pedersen
1312 Slependen