Short:        AspireOS update
Author:       nikos tomatsidis
Uploader:     niko aspireos com (nikos tomatsidis)
Type:         misc/os
Version:      1.9
Requires:     AspireOS v.1.85
Architecture: i386-aros

This is AspireOS update to version 1.9 codename:Apocalypse

It is required that you have installed AspireOS version 1.85 Codename:Stardust

One great supprise with this update is that you will get Cinnamon writer. LoView
is updated, Timidity midi instruments are ready for music in Duke Nukem and
Hexen 2 (you would need the updated game files found in aros-archives to enjoy
music in these games. The AspireOS games archive will get updated to latest
versions but not yet) You can with this update play videos directry from yotube,
clicking on the small numbers under the videos like nr:18. 
Updated AROS system files from 31.05.12 and some other fixes to AspireOS and
some of its programs. As always Shufflepuck have done new wallpapers and other
gfx work to AspireOS.

Please have a look at for more info.

As always have fun.

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