Short:        Koheesiovoima -rave/trance by Kure4Kancer/RNO
Author:       Kure4Kancer (
Uploader:     Guffaw/T13n! (guffaw hem2 passagen se)
Type:         mods/k4k
Architecture: generic

   'Koheesiovoima' was my contribution to Abduction'97
   music-contest, but due to broken disk, the jury wasn't
   able to listen to this song. Bad luck. Trance is style. '97.

   - -------------------------------------------------- -

   I've made modules since '93 or '94 using Protracker          ĩĩwwwwwwĩ,
   and a couple of them made with Fasttracker.                 JØ#      Ø#
                                                              ĩWØ#      Ø#
   My styles vary from ambient and trance to minimal         JØ#        Ø#
   techno and acid. Not forgeting few jungle, house,        ĩWØ#  __    Ø#
   experimental and hardcore tunes.                        JØ#    Ø#    Ø#
                                                          ĩWØ#  __Ø#    Ø#
   Feel free to contact me for joining RNO, chit-chat    JØ#    ØØØ#    Ø#
   and traditional snailmail-techno-modules swapping!    JØ#    ØØØ#    Ø#ĩ,
   T.Lehtinen - Venekatu 11 - 33410 Tampere - Finland    JØ#              Ø#
   k4K_RNO @ #amigafin and #amigascne                    Žķ#________    __ØÞ
                                                      __  `ķķķķķķMØ#    Ø#  
        ______ ___  ļ ___      _______ ____.        æMØØŅx_      JØ#    Ø#
 .___ _/     /.\  _()_  /.___ _)     /.)  _|______ JØØØØØØØ ____ JØ#    Ø#
 |    \ .rno. |   \/\/chē|    \       |   //       ŽØØØØØØØ      Žķ#____ØÞ
 |_____\______|__________|_____\______|_____________Ŋ°@@M~ _______ `ķķķ°
        ______     ._____ _____ _____  ___.       ____.            ________
 .___ _/     /. ___|_   /.\    /    /./  _|______.)  _|______.___ _)      /.
 |    \       |     /    |           |   \       |   //      |    \ .lđē4. |

   ps. mega-supa-thanks to Guffaw/T13n!!
   ps. thanks to Chosen/RNO^Link124 for the ascii