Short:        [LEAD] Aiee! Work There Bloody (Cyber) - Industry by LEAD
Author:       LEAD
Uploader:     alf thomas mbox300 swipnet se
Type:         mods/misc
Architecture: generic

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    `  bRiNGS tO yOU   '   ~~  aNOTHER fRANTiC tUNE
       tITLE:     aiEE! wORK tHERE bLOODY (cYBER)
       lEAD tUNE: nO.78
       rELEASED:  96-o2-14
       dURATiON:  oo.o3:25
       siZE:      59633o
       lOOK oUT fOR
       nO.77 - lEAD aZiDE

       cOMiNG uP
       nO.79 - jAMAiCA sOLO

       Pb 82 aND nOTHiNG eLSE...gET iT¿