Short: [LEAD] Aiee! Work There Bloody (Cyber) - Industry by LEAD Author: LEAD Uploader: alf thomas mbox300 swipnet se Type: mods/misc Architecture: generic __ _ ___ _ ____ )\______[led]____ ____)\ ) \ _ __ / (\__ / ) \ / ¯¯¯\ )\/ / / __ /_ _/ /\ \___/ __ \ \ /__/ /~~)/ / / \ \_)\ /~~\_ \ / / \ ¯¯¯¯\ / ¯¯¯¯ / / ( ( / / / ______/ / ______ ( \ ( ( _ __ / / / /~~~~~~ / /~~~~~~\ \_ / _/ \ )\_/ (__/___/_/\____/_ /_ _ __\ ( \__/ /~ ) \ ( (_)\ \\) ) _/ / __________________ \__ \ ____)_____\___/______/~ -pRG- \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)/~~) )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ` bRiNGS tO yOU ' ~~ aNOTHER fRANTiC tUNE tITLE: aiEE! wORK tHERE bLOODY (cYBER) lEAD tUNE: nO.78 rELEASED: 96-o2-14 dURATiON: oo.o3:25 siZE: 59633o lOOK oUT fOR ------------ nO.77 - lEAD aZiDE cOMiNG uP --------- nO.79 - jAMAiCA sOLO Pb 82 aND nOTHiNG eLSE...gET iT¿