Short:        Ooze-Paradise [fantasy] 4ch MOD by Ooze
Uploader:     Guffaw star ct se
Type:         mods/ooze
Architecture: generic


mods by Ooze/X-Zone
and screamin' oysters

upload by Guffaw

here is all my mods ever made.
so relax listen and enjoy some
rave hardcore fantazy and shit like that

screamin' oyster records are lookin'
for some gabbaheads for our upcomin'
hardcore collection
D I G I T I Z E D  1

bytheway HARDCORE only

tony (ooze) +46-(0)33-258522 or
peter (capten chaos) +46-(0)33-299293
for more info

se ya'

      _____  _                    ____
   ___|   / /(______________,---,_)__/
   \_ ' _/__\--___/  ,  \   \  / ___)__
.--/  T__\祝(_____\_____/  |__/________\---.
| /___|                `---'               |
|           are proud to present           |
|         "Paradise"     [fantasy]         |
|   an 4channel MOD ProTracker-module by   |
|       our !!talented musician Ooze       |
|                                          |