Short:        <VD> Extro-Song from WALLS (Hall of Fame), can't be selected in the music-menu - by Tonic
Author: (Jan Haas)
Uploader:     hurrican virtualdimension de (Dennis Pauler)
Type:         mods/pro
Architecture: generic
Kurz:         <VD> Extro-Song von WALLS (Hall of Fame), im Musikmenü nicht anwählbar - von Tonic

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    +                                                                **
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  |                                                                 |\
  | Taken from the game WALLS - The 97-Edition, made by Virtual     | \
  | Dimension. Walls can be found in the Aminet at game/misc        |  \
  | (walls97.lha).                                                  |___\
  |                                                                     |

             If you want to contact us, then write a letter to

                              Virtual Dimension
                              Magdeburger Str. 3
                              D-55218 Ingelheim

                             or send us an email:


        If you have internet-access then have a look at our homepage:


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                   Only | | |  | | |_| | | makes it possible!