Short:        Protracker V4.0 Beta 2 (music composing tool)
Author: (Tom Beyer)
Uploader:     TBeyer T-Online de (Tom Beyer)
Type:         mus/edit
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Protracker is an classical music composing tool for the amiga computer
which uses the 'tracker' display. This version is based on the V3.15
Cryptoburners release and was improved and fixed by me.

I spreaded the beta due the fact that many people asks for an new
version and all 4 channels modis works more stable than in the last
3.61 aminet version.


 - 4 channel tracker for making sample-orientated music
 - integrated sampler and sampleeditor
 - many integrated tools

Some enhacements are:

 - Positionseditor
 - PLST (sample presetlist)
 - PLST-ED (presetlist editor)
 - Info (playtimecalculation + more)
 - XPK support for mods and songs (load/save)
 - Positionseditor
 - new fileformat (selectable)
 - mod2smp (mix tracks to one sample)
 - real playtimecalculation
 - reads and writes now the 100Pattern modformat from PT2.3
 - many, many bugfixes

							Best regards, Tom