Short:        Symphonie III feat. NG GUI System
Author:       Patrick Meng, Rosenfeldweg 4, 6048 Horw, Switzerland
Uploader:     pmeng vtx ch
Type:         mus/edit
Version:      3.0a
Replaces:     mus/edit/SymphEDIT.lha
Requires:     camd.library for the midi section
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

A RealTime Software Production -------------------------------------------


256 Physical Audiochannels, 16 Bit Software DSP, 16 Bit Samples
MODs have a resolution of at least 20 Bit if you use 16 Bit Samples
Hires Frequency resolution, Hires Volume Resolution, Midi
Dsp Plug in System, Audio Rendering. 100 Khz Sample support
Realtime Timestretching, Realtime Pitchshifting
2 Phase Oversampling, 250 KHz Mixrate, 3D Surround Sound
256 Independent Outputchannels possible...

- DSP:   RAPID PROTOTYPING Dsp PlugIn System for Developers !
- DSP:   General DSP PlugIn System for MOTOROLA 68k Processors
- DSP:   SuperSupportTable (SST) for easy realtime access to SymphonieOS

- LINK:     16 Bit Samples Start Point
- LINK:                    MIDI Start Point
- LINK:    looking for files on our net...

NEWS: (Free Symphonie) ----------------------------------------------------

  "NG Gui System"

  - Improved GUI for DJs / realtime performance
  - Slider GUI class implemented (-> DJs)
  - Some gfx speedup
  - Realtime event modification unit implemented (-> DJs)
  - Macro load/save
  - Realtime system detune (-> DJs)

- its free ... its fun ... it is Symphonie

*  Symphonie Support   by   Nick McAuliffe aka  Hyper

*  #MODuLeZ Home Page

Amiga Musician?  Join #modulez on uNDERNeT!

H O T   S U M M E R    D I S C O U N T   valid till XMas 97

Symphonie Pro ACADEMIC                                  35 USD / 60 DM
Symphonie Pro                                           70 USD / 120 DM

first in, first out !!

H O T   S U M M E R    D I S C O U N T   valid till XMas 97