Short:        Boot Picture for StartUp with PicBoot2.
Author: (Laserbyte`99)
Uploader:     neupel knarf t-online de (Laserbyte`99)
Type:         pix/boot
Requires:     PicBoot V.2.3 by Magnus Holmgren
Architecture: generic
Date:         21.08.99.

          OS3.0+ and AGA 
Kurz:     Startbilder fuer PicBoot2 und andere...

  * PicBoot 3.2 is FREEWARE.
    This file describes ,a program to show an IFF ILBM or GIF 
    picture during boot.   
                            We thank Magnus Holmgren /Sweden!

  * Download:
    Aminet single CD-ROM Nr.4 util/boot  32k PicBoot2
    Aminet Set CD-ROM Nr. 1a  util/boot  32k

  My Graphics Created with Personal Paint 6.4 (.pic=.iff)
  Picture  Bootpic-A_64col.pic <640x512  64 Colors, HighRes Interlace>
  Picture  Bootpic-B_64col.pic <640x512  64 Colors, HighRes Interlace>
  Picture  Bootpic-C_64col.pic <640x512 256 Colors, HighRes Interlace>
  Picture  Bootpic-D_64col.pic <640x256  64 Colors, HighRes>
  Picture  Bootpic-E_64col.pic <640x256 256 Colors, HighRes>

->Neupel ;)

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1065     550 48.3% 21-Aug-99 19:40:20
  125590   86866 30.8% 21-Aug-99 19:40:50 +Bootpic-A_64col.pic
  175894  116144 33.9% 21-Aug-99 19:40:52 +Bootpic-B_64col.pic
  224156  140209 37.4% 21-Aug-99 19:40:52 +Bootpic-C_256col.pic
   78268   44244 43.4% 21-Aug-99 19:40:54 +Bootpic-D_64col.pic
  136082   73967 45.6% 21-Aug-99 19:40:54 +Bootpic-E_256col.pic
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  741055  461980 37.6% 21-Aug-99 19:42:46   6 files