Short:        Icons & prefs for Workbench in HAM6/8.
Author:       Paul "CBM80" Hernik
Uploader:     spi-ph srv1 tu kielce pl  <Paul "CBM80" Hernik>
Type:         pix/icon
Architecture: generic

This package contains some icons for HAM6 and HAM6 Workbench.
I  prefer  HAM6  icons because they are shorter and Workbench displays
them faster.  HAM8 icons don't seem to be much better than HAM6 icons.
And  of  course  HAM6  icons  are displayable an all Amigas (AGA - all
modes, OLD/ECS - only Lores).

This  package  is  only  an  idea  for  all  companies making CDs with
pictures.   All  icons  should  be  "Project" type with some viewer as
"Default  Tool" so they could be used for viewing pictures and instead
of thumbnail images.

How to make own icons?
1. At first take proper pictures.
2. Rescale them with ADPro.
3. Enter into palette module and press "Get Workbench Palette" gadget.
4. Enter into color editor and set colors 4 to 15 (or 4 to 63) to black (0,0,0).
5. Render in HAM6 or HAM8 and save picture as IFF-HAM.
6. For converting IFF->Icon use PicCon or other tool.
7. For merging "Image" type icons I used IconMerge from my old WB1.3 disks.
8. That's all :-)

Commodore  didn't  support HAM modes in Workbench preferences probably
because OS3.0 has bugs and some programs crash or look bad in HAM.

Contact with me:

S-mail: Paul Hernik
        Nowowiejska 24/3
        25532 Kielce