Short:        Pictures taken from MSX emulator
Uploader:     h guijt inter nl net
Type:         pix/illu
Architecture: generic

This archive contains pictures taken from fMSX Amiga. They show some of the
graphical capabilities of the MSX system, and should coax you into
downloading an MSX emulator and play the Real Thing.

The pictures:


This is a vertical shoot'em-up with a twist. Instead of simply marching up
the screen until you reach the end you are forced to move sideways into
different 'tracks'. Each level has three adjacent tracks, and contains
special tiles that must be picked up to open doors that lead into new areas.

In the picture you see the main character jump up (second button on the
joystick or M or N on the keyboard) and destroy some flying vermin. It is a
comparatively peaceful picture but you should try snapping a picture while
beset by screens full of enemies!

KingsValley2a & KingsValley2b

Kings Valley 2 is fun puzzle game, somewhat like Loderunner. The player must
use drills and shovels to gather the soulstones that are scattered through
one or more screens. However, after using a drill (or shovell) it disappears
forever. Planning ahead is therefore essential to winning.

The game contains a password system to allow progress to higher levels, and
contains a level editor if you believe you are even more sadistic than the
designers of the original game. The level editor alone kept the MSX
community alive for a very long time!


Metal Gear is a game somewhat similar to Rambo 3 (nah, noone will remember
that game...). The player must penetrate the enemy fortress Outer Heaven
armed with nothing more than a radio and a pack of cigarettes.

This game is very interesting because, unlike others of it's kind, it
stresses stealth rather than combat as the main objective.

The radio messages and weird objects make this a very fun game.
Unfortunately saving your position requires a tapedrive, which is currently
not emulated by either of the MSX emulators for the Amiga.

MetalGear2a & MetalGear2b

Metal Gear 2 is the follow up to Metal Gear. It has far better sound and
graphics, but suffers from the fact that it is completely in Japanese.


Vampire Killer was one of the first MSX2 games. Since then it has appeared
on many platforms, including the Amiga (under the name of CastleVania). It
is a fairly simple platform game. The 18 levels should keep most people busy
for a while.

All these games are available via FTP and can be used with the MSX emulators
for the Amiga, available from aminet:

fMSX Amiga:   misc/emu/fmsx_1.0.lha
AmiMSX:       misc/emu/amimsx23.lha