Short:        An Anti PC-Comic from ANCOR with Sarah Fox
Author:       Sascha Brandt
Uploader:     Roman Schaub (ANCOR Datacomm ch)
Type:         pix/ancor
Architecture: generic

This is a little comic i have made on my A4000/060 about the PC`s with
the character Sarah Fox. She is one of my characters i use to paint.

This is an early comic made by Sascha Brandt in 1997

Sascha Brandt is member of ANCOR, a little software-team from Rickenbach
in Switzerland. If you wanna contact us, write to

        c/o Roman Schaub
        Erliackerweg 18
        CH-4462 Rickenbach BL

        c/o Sascha Brandt
        Erliackerweg 1
        CH-4462 Rickenbach BL

or send us an e-mail under: