Short: a great folding-editor ported from UNIX Author: Uploader: ruebe pool informatik rwth-aachen de Type: util/edit Architecture: m68k-amigaos This file is for first time origami users ! Welcome to the amiga version of origami ! This file will tell you how to install the origami-editor. After installing, please read the file `readme.amiga` and the files in the `AmigaDocs`-directory. Contents -------- 1. What is origami ? 2. What do you need to run origami ? 3. What is included in the package ? 4. How do I install origami ? 5. Which docs shoud I read ? 6. Copyright, Disclaimer, Acknowlegdements, Mail address 1. What is origami ? -------------------- Origami is a folding editor. Folds are used to hide text, so you will find your point of interest faster and have a clearer structure. The fold information will be written in the textfile, but you can compile all textfiles without deleting the fold information. Origami has all important features needed by users. This includes : * freely configurable keyboard tables * powerfull macro language (OCL) * AREXX port (beta version) * powerfull standard macros like fill-paragraph, regular-expression-search, towers-of-hanoi and many others For more information read the file doc/intro. 2. What do you need to run origami ? ------------------------------------ First you need the executable called origami. Origami needs to read two files : .origamimsg : This file contains all the messages origami will print. .origamirc : This file contains all the macro definitions and the keyboard definition. It also contains the arexx definition and the help pages. Origami needs both files to run. If they are not found, origami will exit. The namebase (standard .origami) can be changed by using the -k option. The files are search in the S: directory and all directories specified in the ORIPATH environment variable. You can also use the -R option to specify a different directory. Please read the man/origami.1 file for more information. 3. What is included in the package ? ------------------------------------ The whole origami package contains several directories : The first list of directories is defined in the Origami_<version>.lha distribution. AmigaDocs : this directory contains all amiga specific documents and the bug.fixes file. bin : this directory contains the amiga executables. man : doc : These directories contain the information about the origami and the additional programs. rexx : this directory contains some useful arexx scripts. At this time only some test scripts are included, but if you have some interesting scripts, I will surely include them there. The second archive (Origami_Bind_<revision>.lha) contains the binding files. bindings : here you can find the files, describing the keysequences origami will listen for... (read the manual for more infos) The third archive (Origami_Docs_<revision>.lha contains the sources of the origami folding editor : doc : man : These directories contain nroff and awk sources of the ascii documents distributed in the other archive. scripts : This directory contains some scripts useful on unix/linux operating systems. src : Contains the complete source and the directory with the amiga port sources (see below). The source directory has several subdirectories : Amiga : here you can find the special files and Smakefiles used in the amiga port. autoalias, dirfold, h, keybind, origami, lib, viewrc : These directories contain the complete unix source. You will need the Origami_<version>.lha archive only, if you just want to run origami without changing anything. You will need the Origami_Bind_<revision>.lha archive, too, if you want to change the existing bindings or use some of the macros in your own binding. The third archive (Origami_Srcs_<revision>.lha) contains all the things, you need to compile origami on the amiga or any other os. So you will not need it in most cases. 4. How do i install origami ? ----------------------------- To install origami use the commodore installer with the install_origami script in the main directory. 5. Which docs should I read ? ----------------------------- There are several documtentation files in this distribution. You will not have to read every bit of information, so i will give you a short description of the files : doc/intro : This file contains more information about folding editors and origamis concept of storing file information. man/<executable>.man : These files contain a short description of the commands and a detailed option list. AmigaDocs/README.AMIGA : This file contains all additional feature provided by the amiga version. AmigaDocs/README.AREXX : This file gives a short introduction in origamis way to use the Arexx port. AmigaDocs/bug.fixes : This file contains all (fixed and not-fixed) bugs of the current version and additional or changed features. bindings/[*fun/]*.r : These files contain the reference card descriptions of the functions defined in the responding marco file (the file without the .r). Some of the macro packages do not have any descriptions (this will be changed sometime.). You should read the bug.fixes file everytime you get a new version. You should read the and maybe view the files, if you use origami for the first time. You should read the AMIGA.README, if you use the Amiga version of origami the first time. You should read the manual and the and files and the bindings/fun/*.r files, if you want to change the standard keybinds or if you want to develope a completly new binding. 6. Copyright, Disclaimer, Acknowlegdements, Mail address -------------------------------------------------------- Please read the AmigaDocs/README.AMIGA file for the information mentioned above (and some more info). I hope you`ll enjoy origami Thomas Hadig