Short:        Arexx-programmable text editor
Author: (Joachim Barheine)
Uploader:     barheine stud-mailer uni-marburg de (Joachim Barheine)
Type:         text/edit
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Edt/M2Edt is a powerful editor for ASCII-files featuring an extensive
ARexx interface including a set of all-purpose dialog window functions.
M2Edt is a special version designed for the M2Amiga 4.3 Developement system.
A programming environment for Amiga Oberon is also included as an example
for customization of the editor.

The Software is shareware. Sourcecode is available. Check out
the readme file contained in the archive.


- 120 ARexx-commands
- free configurable: fonts, screenmode, windowsize
- unlimited undo/redo
- horizontal and vertical scrollbar
- autosave & backups
- custom/public screen
- requesters for: filenames, strings, checkboxes, radiobuttons
- documentation in LaTeX
- integrated printing tool featuring multi-column formatting and linenumbers
- printing is done in a seperate thread