Short:        Quick N Dirty lha extraction
Uploader:     Targhan MorphZone org
Type:         util/arc
Version:      1.1
Architecture: generic

 QDLhA is simply a shell script with an icon to unpack lha archives
 to RAM:, nothing more, nothing less.


 For the life of me, I couldn't figure out why something like this
 couldn't have been included in the original LhA archive, or why
 one would need a fancy GUI to extract files--when most of us just
 extract to the ram disk anyway!

 QDLha isn't meant to replace the likes of X-Arc or VoodooX, which
 serve a larger purpose (one makes archives and the other deals with
 nearly every archive type available).

 Oh yeah, the icon was created using fxPAINT by IOSpirit.


 This script is provided as is with no warrenties of suitability.
 Use this software at your own risk, the author assumes no
 responsability for the loss of data, etc, by using this script.

 This script is freeware and may be copied, shared, redistrobuted
 and changed.  However, please include a nod to the original author
 if the script is changed and include your own name ;-)