Short:        Starts date prefs on startup (if no clock found)
Uploader:     stevez dynamite com au (Steve Zoneff)
Type:         util/boot
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Auther: (Steve Zoneff)

DateHunter is a utility for people with no battery backed up clock. It sits in your WBstartup drawer
and starts time prefs if the date found is less than 1996. Use this utility to ensure that all of your
file time stamps are correct etc.. Also usefull for oner (comms/misc/oner.lha) to ensure that oner's
log file has the correct time/date etc. Small and simple. 
NOTE: When trying this program, it will do NOTHING (just silently quit) if your clock reports a date
1996 or later.