Short: A Palette Program done in CanDo. Author: Thomas R. Grant Uploader: tgrant merlin net au Type: util/misc Architecture: m68k-amigaos A Palette Program. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ "PaletteDeck" V0.9 This program was written with CanDo and CanDoSDK. This program was designed to change the colours of the screen that you are using. It should work with a Cybergrafix Card, and on any other Amiga. This is the latest update of this program. I fixed a few bugs that I found, so this will also be the last upload of this program. Unless there are some other problems that I havent found. Features: 1. Resizeable Window 2. Dynamic Object Movements. This just means that the Buttons and other gadgets in the window are positioned corectly when you resize the Window. 3. Remembers position and window size on exit. This information is written into the Icon Tooltypes. 4. Can open on allmost any public screen. The only problem I have had so far is opening the window in CygnusEd. ============================================================================ Thomas R. Grant Amiga 1200,16 meg Ram ============================================================================