Short:        OS 2.x Shell Interface for XPK. V2.0
Author: (Magnus Holmgren)
Uploader:     lear algonet se (Magnus Holmgren)
Type:         util/pack
Version:      2.0
Requires:     OS 2.04
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

xPackMH is an update to the xPack program by Matthias Scheler. The main
difference is that this version will first build a list over all files to
process and then do the actual compression. This means that xPack no longer
will try to compress the same file several times, which could happen if
patterns were used with the earlier version.

Various other minor changes has been made, including support for some new
features in XPK V4 for future compatibility, and support for multi-assigns.

Please note that I do not use XPK much myself, and as a result, xPackMH has
not been extensively tested.