Short:        zhxpk - (un)packer using xpk
Author:       Joachim Birging
Uploader:     jocke birging gmail com (Joachim Birging)
Type:         util/pack
Version:      1.1
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0

This is a little GUI for packing things using the xpk-libraries. The GUI
should be pretty self-explaining, select packer, file to pack, destination
dir and press Pack button.

To my knowledge there isn't a lot of OS4 native programs that can handle
xpk packed files, so installing the xpk datatype from AmiNet might be a
good idea.

Also today there might not be a need at all for this program, harddrives
are quite cheap, and running out of space isn't very likely :)

1.0 - First public release.

1.1 - Added Unpack button