Short:        Adjust inaccurate battery clocks (Bugfixed)
Author: (Ralf Schoenfeldt)
Uploader:     rschoenfeldt t-online de (Ralf Schoenfeldt)
Type:         util/rexx
Version:      1.1b (29-Mar-98)
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

'TimeSaver.rexx' is an ARexx-script to auto-adjust inaccurate battery
backed-up clocks, so YOU don't have to (hence the name :-). All you have
to tell the program on its first run is how many seconds your clock runs
too slow/too fast per day (e.g.  2 seconds too slow/3.5 seconds too fast).
From version 1.1 it will also re-set your clock for daylight saving times.

New in 1.1:

-auto-calculates and detects daylight saving times
-now also works with CLI-type arguments
-some important(!) bugfixes

Changes for 1.1a:
-minor bug fix (again got it mixed up with daylight saving times :-(((

Changes for 1.1b:
-see changes for comment...except that I hate daylight saving times...

============================= Archive contents ============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
     628     274 56.3% 17-Mar-98 14:43:16
    5842    2555 56.2% 29-Mar-98 09:08:04
    3490     911 73.8% 17-Mar-98 14:42:52
    6400    2118 66.9% 29-Mar-98 09:06:28 +TimeSaver.rexx
    3421     593 82.6% 17-Mar-98 14:42:58
    6409    2761 56.9% 29-Mar-98 09:08:28
    3428     886 74.1% 17-Mar-98 14:43:04
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
   29618   10098 65.9% 29-Mar-98 09:09:42   7 files