Short:        Synchronize the clock with NTP
Author: (Heikki Linnakangas)
Uploader:     hlinnaka iki fi (Heikki Linnakangas)
Type:         util/time
Version:      2.2
Replaces:     util/time/NTPSync21.lha
Requires:     AmiTCP V4.0 or compatible (tested with Miami V1.1)
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This simple program allows you to synchronize your system clock through the
Internet with the Network Time Protocol (NTP).

See for more info on NTP.

If you are using an version older than 2.1, you really should upgrade
as soon as possible, because the older versions had some serious bugs.


--- V2.2  - now supports multiple servers
          - added the verbose option
          - added the timeout option
          - can now set the battery-backed clock too
          - changed a bit the way the roundtrip delay is calculated
          - some other minor changes in the source code
          - some changes to the documentation
          - the documentation is now .txt, not .doc

--- V2.1  - fixed the date, was one day behind. I thought I fixed that in
            an older version already, but now it should be fixed for real

--- V2.0  - fixed a bug that caused the clock run very fast sometimes
          - now tries to use another port if 123 is already in use
          - now asks the local.library for the UTC diff if not given
          - some other minor changes
          - now takes the network delay into account

--- V1.1  - added version information for the 'version' command
          - added some integrity checks to the reply
          - added support for different ports
          - now prints stratum of the server when time is set
          - added the COMPILATION-section to the document
          - better error handling
          - fixed a small bug in receiving the reply
          - fixed the version number in the document
          - date was set incorrectly
          - file lengths were incorrect in the document

--- V1.0  - the initial release


  Heikki Linnakangas (