Short:        Polish locale for Reminder v6.3
Author:       Adam Zalepa (Expert/Inferno & Maniacs)
Uploader:     Adam Zalepa (Expert/Inferno & Maniacs)
Type:         util/time
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

  This locale I finished at 07 January 1997 and this is my first upload for AmiNet
  in new  year. Except  polish  translations  I  compose  music too.  So,  if  you 
  want cool music for your product or polish version for any application then send 
  me a postcard to :
   Adam Zalepa
   ul. Marysinska 82/84 m5
   91-850 Lodz Poland

  or call to my BBS :

   THE MANIAC's BBS! +48-42-573178 (8pm-8am)